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Import specifications for Productions

Importing Productions

The document provides instructions for importing new productions via the Dashboard's import module, emphasizing the use of .csv files.

It outlines the creation of spreadsheets, necessary formatting, and specific field requirements for production data, including unique codes, descriptions, and genre specifications. Templates for different production types are linked, and guidelines for ensuring correct .csv formatting are included.

There are three import modules in the Dashboard: for Productions, Events and Cross-sell events. All three modules accept .csv (comma separated values) files only.

Instructions for the other imports can be found here:

Creating the import spreadsheet

A .csv file is easy to create from a Google or Excel spreadsheet.

First, create a spreadsheet and fill it with the data. The template and explanation about the content of the "Productions" spreadsheet can be found below.

In order to be able to import, it is important that the spreadsheets meet the specifications as described below:

  • Each spreadsheet document contains one worksheet.
  • Do not change the names in the first row and the order of the columns of the spreadsheet to be filled in (All column names correspond to a field in the Peppered Dashboard).
  • When fields / columns are not used on the website and they are never entered in the Dashboard, they can be left empty.
  • Texts with some HTML formatting is only supported in the fields
    • teaser
    • description part 1
    • description sidenote
    • description part 2
    • programme
    • credits
  • All formatting in other fields will be removed during the import. You can choose to import those fields without formatting and then format them in the Dashboard or not import them and manually enter them in the Dashboard.

How to import Productions

Step 1: Make a copy of the template, keep it in Google Docs.

Step 2: Keep the first row, and clear all example content from the other rows.

Step 3: Fill the document with your data and download the file as .csv

You can also import .xcl or .xclx files into the google doc:

Importing a file in Google Spreadsheets
Importing a file in Google Spreadsheets

Step 4: After you have checked all data and the columns are structured correctly, you can download a .csv from the file (bestand in NL) > download menu:

Downloading the spreadsheet as a .csv file
Downloading the spreadsheet as a .csv file

You can also use a different spreadsheet program, but make sure your export settings are according to our specifications.

Creating a .csv file from a spreadsheet

When the spreadsheet is finished it should be saved as a .csv file (see "save as" or "export").

The following options should be selected when creating the .csv:

  • field separator: , (comma) - This will tell the importer to jump to the next field
  • text separator: " (double quotes) - This will tell the importer that all text between the " "must be treated as one text entry, and all commas in that text will be treated as regular commas. They will be ignored as field separators. This enables you to use commas in texts.

A Google spreadsheet will usually automatically export to .csv with these settings.

For Excel, look for these settings:

The correct settings in Excel to export
The correct settings in Excel to export

It is best to check after the export by opening the file in a plain text editor and check that the field separator is indeed a comma;

Correct formatting (comma):

Correct formatting, fields separated by a comma
Correct formatting, fields separated by a comma

Incorrect formatting (semi colon):

Incorrect formatting, fields separated by a semicolon
Incorrect formatting, fields separated by a semicolon

Spreadsheet field explanations

Below are the specification of the columns and contents for producties.xls:

  • code = The production code. This field must never be empty and never longer than 64 characters. The code must be unique for all productions on the website so also in the spreadsheet.This code must be in the events.csv as well to link events to a production.The code can be made up, but it is useful to match it with a code in a planning system (such as Evis or Yesplan), if such a system is used. To ensure that they are unique, it is useful to start with the season code; With this the productions can be clearly distinguished per season. (eg 19ARTISTNAME in 2019-2020 and 20ARTISTNAME in 2020-2021).
  • ICIN = This is the centralized production code used accross theaters for content sharing. It is used to collect and distribute ratings and reviews among theaters via "Publiek geeft Sterren", operating in the Netherlands.
  • Supertitle
  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Performer = The performer field points to the field that contains the name of the performing artist or group. Values: "title", or "subtitle".
  • Performer type = A performer can be either a "person" or a "group".
  • Attendance = Specifies wether the event is in a venue ("offline"), accessible via the internet (e.g. a live stream) and thus "online", or both ("mixed").
  • Tag line
  • Alternative search terms
  • Mailing description
  • Teaser (some HTML formatting allowed)
  • Description title (usually this field is not active)
  • Description part 1 (some HTML formatting allowed)
  • Description sidenote (some HTML formatting allowed)
  • Primary video URL
  • Secondary video URL
  • Description part 2 (some HTML formatting allowed)
  • Quote
  • Quote source
  • Programme (some HTML formatting allowed)
  • Credits (some HTML formatting allowed)
  • Genre/Tags = A separated list of genres. Make sure that the genres are spelled correctly to match with existing genres. Slight variations in spelling can result in the creation of a new genre in the database.
    • 🚧
      Take note! The Tag feature is no longer supported. Tags should now be imported together with Genres in the "Genre" column. After import, go to the Genres & Tags”module, select the Tag and set the option "Tag" in the Use as section.
  • properties
    • ⚠️

      Take note! Do not fill in this column. Create a new column after this column with the property code you wish to import. If you don't know the code of the property, contact CultureSuite. Each Production with this property should have the word "yes" in this column filled in. The field can otherwise be left empty.

Specific movie content 

Only available in the movies .csv
  • Director
  • Cast
  • Running time
  • Production year
  • Release date
  • Country
  • Language
  • Age This is the Dutch "Kijkwijzer" coding of movies. Choose between:
    • al (all ages)
    • vanaf6
    • vanaf9
    • vanaf12
    • vanaf16
  • Violence (should be 1 or empty)
  • Fear (should be 1 or empty)
  • Sex (should be 1 or empty)
  • Discrimination (should be 1 or empty)
  • Drugs & alcohol (should be 1 or empty)
  • Foul language (should be 1 or empty)

Uploading the CSV

When the CSV is finished, head over to Events & Productions > Event updater module in the Dashboard to upload it.

Choose the type of import and upload your file
Choose the type of import and upload your file

Take note! Make sure you select the correct type of Productions for your upload.

  • Check all settings and make sure you check “Use ranking column” when uploading events in halls with multiple tiers/ranks.
  • Click “Validate” and check the notice that follows.
  • If all is good, finish the import.

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