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How to set up server side tagging via AdPage

Step 1: Create AdPage account

Server side tagging with our partners Mondo Marketing & AdPage

Manage your Server side tagging via our partner Mondo Marketing. They will set you up with AdPage, their partner for Server side Tagging. Then obtain the data from the AdPage Dashboard (as pointed out by the green arrows):

Notion image

Step 2: Add AdPage Settings to your Control Panel

  • Go to your Peppered Platform > Control panel > Google Tag Manager
  • Retrieve the AdPage Pixel domain from AdPage and paste it in the โ€œAdPage Pixel Domainโ€ field:
Notion image
  • Check Load tag Manager always if you are certain your consent levels are set correctly and no tags are triggered if the visitor only accepts functional cookies.
  • You can ignore all the scripts in the AdPage installation instructions. They will be configured automatically.

Step 3: Update DNS Settings

A CNAME record needs adding to your DNS settings. There are two options:

  • If CultureSuite hosts your DNS - open a support ticket and request a new CNAME record. Provide the Domain and Name as stated in the AdPage screen (2nd green arrow)
  • If you or another company manage your DNS service - ask them to add the CNAME record.

The CNAME record looks something like this: CNAME

More information about serverside tagging on our website >
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