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Automated mailings (service emails)

Automated mailings (service emails)

Automated service emails are generated and sent to audiences before and after events, using templates and dynamic tags for personalization. The system automatically compiles mailing lists from online orders and can include offline sales with proper setup. Emails consist of an introduction, event details, and additional information, all of which can be modified before sending.

Send service emails before and after the performance to your audience.

Service emails are automatically generated (you do not have to create them manually) some days in advance and automatically sent after a certain time (for instance two days before the show). Peppered is automatically generating the template of the mailing (based on template texts), and also the mailing-list (based on online sales or omnisales*). For more information about the omnisales option (including offline sales) please contact a Peppered Consultant.

Schedule settings

The settings related to the schedule are determined via Control Panel > Automated mailings:

Settings of when automated mailings are set up and sent off
Settings of when automated mailings are set up and sent off

The automated mailings

Go to Dashboard > Mailings > Automated mailings. Here you can see all automated mailings: some are already sent, some are in the queue and will be sent on a preset date.

Automated mailings that are set up
Automated mailings that are set up

Template texts

In the "Template texts" module the following texts can be set up once, so that they will be used for all service mails. You can easily adjust these template texts by looking for them in the Template texts module.

Go to: Dashboard > System > Template texts.

  • For Pre-Event mailings: search for "PreEvent" and for "servicemail_voor":
  • For After-Event mailings: search for "AfterEvent" and for "servicemail_na":
Template text for Pre-Event mailings
Template text for Pre-Event mailings
Template texts of the Pre-Event mailings
Template texts of the Pre-Event mailings
  • PreEventmailPayoff (the text that is optional next to the logo in the header of the mailing)
  • PreEventmailPreheader (the text that can be seen on the second line in the mail browser)
  • PreEventmailSubject (the title as seen in the mail browser)
  • PreEventmailTitle (the working title so that it can be found easily in the Peppered dashboard, Automated mailings)
  • servicemail_voor_inleiding (the introductory text in the mail)
  • servicemail_voor_extra_info (the last text in the mail, displayed under the Part about the performance)
  • newsletterButtonEtickets (text on the e-tickets button)

Dynamic tags in template texts

In some fields dynamic tags can be used, in the introduction or the additional info for instance. With such a tag you can include a specific event, without having to do this manually every time. The system searches for the correct and up-to-date information on the basis of the tag. Handy!

If dynamic tags are possible, the following explanation will be displayed on the template text page:

"Within this text, you can use the following tags: [followed by some of the tags as listed below]".

  • [!titel!]
  • [!artiest!]
  • [!aanvangdatum!]
  • [!aanvangtijd!]
  • [!aanvangdag!]
  • [!aanvangmnd!]
  • [!aanvangmaand!]
  • [!aanvangjr!]
  • [!aanvangjaar!]
  • [!aanvangweekdag!]
  • [!aanvangwkdg!]

A full list of tags can be found in our Template texts article.

The various parts of service emails

Service emails usually consist of 3 parts:

  1. Introduction: self-manageable template text that is always used as default for all events.
  1. About the show: it is automatically placed, with a button linked to your e-ticket ("mijn agenda" in the Peppered account).
  1. Extra information: self-manageable template text that is always used as default for all events.

Ready to go?

All automated mailings can be modified with additional content prior to sending. This is done by editing them like a normal newsletter, within the "Automated mailings" module.

After modifying an automated mailing, the result can be previewed in the "Test and send" section.

Automatic generation of the mailing list

Peppered can automatically collect the email addresses from all online orders. When a daily import of all offline sales data is available, all offline orders and cancellations will also be taken into account. This import needs to be activated by Peppered and will be linked to an export from the ticketing software.

Please check with a Peppered Consultant if you are not sure about your preferences.

The mailing list will be set up at the moment of sending: in other words, until the very moment of sending mail addresses can be added based on sales. So the latest the sending takes place (for instance one day before the show), the more mail addresses can be included into the mailing list.

As a result: People buying tickets after the sending of the service mail will not receive the service mail.

Good to know: The system will also look into the status of the event. If the event is cancelled, the sending of the servicemail will also get cancelled (no sending).

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