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Ticket Sharing

What is it Ticket Sharing?

Ticket Sharing is a new feature designed and built in collaboration with Dutch National Opera & Ballet. It allows visitors to share their e-tickets via email with others.

This is a crucial step in gathering more data about actual attendees, rather than just ticket purchasers.

The setup of the sharing flow creates an effortless process for the invitee. They can easily register and access the Shared Ticket in their existing account or create a new one on the fly.

Since these are all new official accounts with proper opt-in settings, they can be used in your marketing campaigns.

Getting started with Ticket Sharing

Activate the Ticket Sharing setting in Control Panel>E-tickets:

Control Panel Ticket Sharing set to Yes and Ticket sharing expiry set to 2 days.
Control Panel Ticket Sharing set to Yes and Ticket sharing expiry set to 2 days.

There is also a setting here to manage the expiration of an invitation. If the recipient doesn't accept the Shared ticket within the specified number of days, the invitation expires and the ticket is no longer shared.

The Invite Process

When Ticket sharing is active, each ticket in the Account>My Agenda section displays a share button.

Notion image

When selected, a pop-up appears to send the invite.

Fields Visitor can complete when sharing a ticket.
Fields Visitor can complete when sharing a ticket.

The status of the invitation will be displayed beneath the ticket. It will show whether the invite has been accepted or is still awaiting acceptance.

Status of Ticket Sharing. Ticket on left has been successfully shared. Ticket on right is waiting to be accepted.
Status of Ticket Sharing. Ticket on left has been successfully shared. Ticket on right is waiting to be accepted.

What the Invitee sees

When you receive an invitation by mail, you can choose to accept it.

Example invitation email
Example invitation email

This step serves as an email verification, allowing us to proceed directly to the second step of the login process: sending the confirmation code. This ensures that visitors log in (or create an account) using the email address to which the invite was sent.

Take note! Logging in with a different e-mail address will disable the e-ticket for security reasons.
Notion image

After retrieving the confirmation code from their mailbox and entering it on the website, the visitor completes the login process and gains access to the shared ticket.

Notion image

The “Shared Tickets” section is a new section in the “My Agenda” where all tickets shared with you are displayed.

Notion image

Shared tickets look exactly the same as regular tickets.

For Ovatic users The e-mail address of the person that accepted the invite is added to the ticket in Ovatic as extra info.

Ticket Sharing - Template Texts


All new texts can be found in the Template Text module. These begin with FE3_ticket_sharing.

Alternatively, copy the default text you wish to modify and paste them into the Template Text module to locate and edit the correct text.

New texts include:

  • FE3_ticket_sharing_my_shared_tickets: Name of the “Tickets shared with me” link in the My Account area
  • FE3_ticket_sharing_my_shared_tickets_empty: Placeholder text on the “Tickets shared with me” page when it is empty
  • FE3_ticket_sharing_send_label: “Share” button underneath each barcode
  • FE3_ticket_sharing_popup_introduction: Instruction text in the invite pop-up
  • FE3_ticket_sharing_mail_intro: Text in the mail invite
  • FE3_ticket_sharing_accepted: Text when invitation has been accepted
  • FE3_ticket_sharing_invite: Button underneath the QR code of each ticket
  • Text on login/account creation page after accepting invite
  • FE3_ticket_sharing_my_shared_tickets_introduction: Text after login/account creation
  • FE3_ticket_sharing_info_shared: Message in My Agenda when ticket has already been shared

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